The Way You Are


Du hast Deine Ecken und Kanten.
Deine Schönheit liegt in Deiner Einzigartigkeit.
Du bist verrückt und jenseits jeder Norm.
...und ich bin verrückt nach dir! - M.T.

The Way You Are

T: Marcus Testory – M: Matthias Ambré & Marcus Testory

The little birthmark on your shoulder
those little crinkles 'round your eyes
your sweet obsession for my weakness,
is my beacon of your uniqueness

Is it a miracle or is it devotion
that led the both of us this far?

I simply love the way you are

The way you awkwardly ignore
subtle hints of the guy next door
inadequacies in our day to day life
ain't worth the pointless strife

It is no miracle it is just devotion
that led the both of us this far.

I simply love the way you are
I love the touch you're slightly off your head
I love your craft, your mind, like wings fully outspread
your love for life is a glimpse of the divine
let it shine (cause)...

I simply love the way you are