Cold Cold Comfort

Cold Cold Comfort

T: Matthias Ambré – M: Matthias Ambré

This is just the calm after the storm
Just a fragile feeling of being safe and warm once again
Or is it a dangerous delusion?

You clean up the ashes, the broken pieces, the tears you've cried
You cover the traces, make up the bruises and try to hide

But it's
Cold cold comfort
Cold cold comfort
(You know that it's)
Cold cold comfort
To know the beast is not beaten
It's just sleeping
It's still alive

It's your inner poise, out of control.
And for sure, an unbearable twinge in your soul, certainly
Or is it a mad imagination?

You hear them appeasing, that there's no reason to feel so bad
You're trying to smile, and you stop complaining to be so sad

But it's
Cold cold comfort
Cold cold comfort
(You know that it's)
Cold cold comfort
To know the beast is not beaten
It's just sleeping
It's still alive

You've never beaten the beast
And you will never